In a preview of a special Christmas interview with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, President Trump reminded Americans of their treasured Christian heritage which becomes the central focus around this time of year. “America loves Christmas,” said Trump to Huckabee.
The special interview of President Trump with former Republican Governor Mike Huckabee will air on Wednesday.
According to their website, the Newsmax Christmas special will examine, “The true meaning of Christmas for Americans – even as cultural elites declare war on the nation’s founding Judeo-Christian values.” The event hosted by Mike Huckabee promises to be an exciting Christmas celebration, featuring the 45th president, former press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Dr. Ben Carson, Senator Ted Cruz, and many other prominent guests.
“And whether you’re Muslim, whether you’re Christian , whether you’re Jewish, everyone loves Christmas, and they’d say, ‘Merry Christmas ‘ — until these crazy people came along, and they wanted to stop it, along with everything else,”
Donald J. Trump on Christmas in America
Mike Huckabee’s Christmas special comes at a critical time in America. The nation is currently facing massive supply chain shortages, record inflation, an energy crisis, and a surge in Covid-19 cases. American citizens have been left with major concerns during this Christmas season, especially in regard to finances, while the Biden administration continues to push ineffective liberal policies.
Over the past decade, the media and Democrat establishment have attempted to remove the phrase “Merry Christmas” and replace it with “Happy Holidays.” This has especially been evident in Christmas advertisements by major corporations.
However, the liberal attack on Christmas was met with fierce opposition when Trump campaigned in 2016.
The 45th president explained, “The country had started with this ‘woke’ a little bit before that, and it was embarrassing for stores to say, ‘Merry Christmas.'” Trump said, “You see these big chains. They want your money, but they don’t want to say, ‘Merry Christmas.'”
During his presidential campaigns and four years in office, he emphasized the importance of Christmas, as well as its true meaning. In a Christmas tweet from 2017, Trump said, “People are proud to be saying Merry Christmas again. I am proud to have led the charge against the assault of our cherished and beautiful phrase. MERRY CHRISTMAS.”

While the nation is certainly not in the state it was while Trump was in office, the phrase “Merry Christmas” has been restored among millions of Americans.
Trump delivered on all of his promises while serving as president, including his pledge to support the meaning of Christmas and the message of Christmas. Discussing his role in defending Christmas, Trump stated, “They are saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again. We got that. That was a big part of what I was doing.”