Trump’s approval rating soars during his first days back in the White House

by Lisa Noeth

Photo: Alamy

President Donald Trump has been delivering his campaign promises at the speed of light with a stroke of a pen by signing executive orders nonstop since his return back to the White House just four days ago.

The American people highly approve Trump’s first few days back in office. According to the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll conducted on January 23, 2025, voters “show that 56% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty (40%) disapprove.”

“The latest figures include 40% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 34% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of +6,” the Rasmussen Reports poll continues.

In another poll issued by RealClearPolitics, President Trump’s job approval rating indicates 52.3 percent of Americans approve the 47th president’s job performance.

With Trump being president for only four full days, he’s stood up for the will of the American people by cracking down on illegal immigration to secure the U.S. southern borders, releasing the JFK and MLK classified files, firing woke DEI workers, pardoning innocent January 6th prisoners and pro-life activists who were wrongfully jailed under the previous administration and secured billions in private foreign investments to create hundreds of thousands of jobs for the American people.

By leading the country into the Golden Age within the first few days of his second term, the commander-in-chief is on a mission to make America prosperous and free again by promoting peace through strength.

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