Trump’s RIPS Biden ‘caving’ to China and showing ‘stunning INCOMPETENCE’ in Afghanistan

by Summer Lane

President Donald Trump slammed Joe Biden on Thursday for his catastrophic foreign policy failures in 2021, calling Biden’s leadership “weakness, humiliation, and putting America last.”

In one of a series of lengthy statements released through Trump’s Save America super PAC, the 45th president detailed Biden’s “mortifying” actions in the White House, ripping him on everything from his “backstabbing” behavior toward Israel, to his “bitter betrayals” of America’s allies.

Joe Biden, whose first year in office has been marred by record-level inflation, tepid job growth, tyrannical vaccine mandate policies, and a horribly botched Afghanistan withdrawal, drew President Trump’s ire in his statement on his “shameful weakness” on handling China.

Under President Trump’s leadership, the United States experienced “peace, calm, and stability in the world because people RESPECTED America,” Trump stated. In contrast, with Biden there has been, “No accountability on the Virus,” Trump continued. “Biden[s] team openly MOCKED and insulted Chinese diplomats.”

Biden, who campaigned in 2020 largely on the promise to “shut down” the coronavirus in American society, has now stated that there is “no federal solution” for solving Covid during a Tuesday meeting with multiple state governors, according to the New York Post.

Trump’s full statement on Biden’s numerous foreign policy disasters

Even worse, National Review reported that over 400,000 Americans have died with Covid since Biden took office, bringing the national death toll to over 800,000 people.

According to Trump, “Yes Joe, China is indeed ‘eating your lunch…’ It’s no wonder Joe Biden was China’s choice for president: He supported giving them most favored nation trade status, celebrated their entry into the WTO and during his vice presidency repeatedly lauded the Chinese regime.”

Trump also pointed out that Biden has refused to bring up China’s refusal to cooperate with an investigation into the origins of the coronavirus and demand teamwork from President Xi.

Additionally, Trump eviscerated Biden’s foreign policy shortcomings in Afghanistan, which Trump called “stunning incompetence” that paved the way for “a horrific terrorist attack,” resulting in the deaths of 13 American troops and more than 180 civilians. F

urther, Trump slammed Biden for leaving “hundreds” of American citizens behind enemy lines after Afghanistan fell to the Taliban as a result of U.S. troops’ withdrawing, and surrendering “tens of billions of dollars in U.S. military hardware to the Taliban – which is now among the best equipped militaries in the world.”

Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton (R) criticizes Biden’s first year in office in a statement on Twitter

The 45th president also reminded everyone in his statement that Biden proceeded to blow up innocent Afghan civilians in a “disastrously failed airstrike” spearheaded by General Milley following the bungled withdrawal, resulting in the deaths of ten civilians, seven of whom were children.

“Biden’s Afghanistan debacle was the POLAR OPPOSITE of President Trump’s strength and conditions-based approach,” the statement concluded. “This calamity would NEVER have happened under President Trump – and everyone in the world knows it.”

Indeed, most Americans are wondering when Joe Biden’s parade of national and international embarrassments will end, paving the way forward for an exciting 2022 midterm election season for the GOP and President Trump as conservatives attempt to wrangle political control away from Biden, who has been “asleep on the job.”

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