Op-ed by Jason Collins | Photo: Alamy
In his scathing op-ed released this week by Newsweek, President Trump addressed the Russian collusion hoax. He pointed out that as hard as the hoax hit him personally, the real victims were American citizens.
The Russian Hoax was a coup headed up by Hillary Clinton in 2016 to prevent President Trump from elections. In his scorching op-ed, President Trump explains all that he, his friends, and his family had to go through during that time.
He wrote, “For nearly three years, they carried out a massive disinformation campaign and lawless persecution based on the monstrous lie that I was a traitor to my country.”
However, as much as President Trump was subjected to insults and smear campaigns, his main concern was the people who were the real victims and how the hoax “shattered countless lives.” of the citizens of America.
President Trump elaborated on how the hoax affected regular Americans in his op-ed. He wrote, “It subverted our democracy, it threatened our security, and it endangered our freedom.”
President Trump criticized the radical Democrats for what they did to Americans to prevent President Trump from being elected. This is what is happening currently with the third indictment against President Trump.
He wrote, “They knew the truth, yet they put our country through hell. As savage and cruel as the Russia Hoax was for me, my family, my staff, and so many innocent bystanders, the real victims were the American People.”
In 2016 the news of so-called Russian involvement in the elections caused mass panic among U.S. citizens and increased tensions with Russia.
These tensions were fueled by American Intelligence reports claiming the Russian Kremlin had hacked into the Republican National Committee’s computer systems. This created much panic over Russian cyber-espionage activity.
President Trump warns Americans, “The Deep State destroys America, or we destroy the Deep State.” This could not be more true, with more Americans now standing with President Trump following his third indictment.