Republican candidate for Governor of Virginia, Glenn Youngkin, has pulled ahead of Democrat frontrunner Terry McAuliffe in the heated gubernatorial race, according to early voting results from precincts across the state.
Live reports from the Associated Press show Youngkin showing up strong with 54.75 percent of the vote with 37 percent of the precincts reporting. By contrast, McAuliffe is holding his own at 44.62 percent, but if the gap remains consistent, it looks as if Youngkin could potentially pull out a win for conservative Virginia voters.
Going into election day, Youngking and McAuliff were in a dead heat, and many voters have had multiple concerns about the integrity of Virginia elections, particularly in light of President Trump’s most recent statement, which cast of a shadow of doubt over the election process:
“…I am not a believer in the integrity of Virginia’s elections, lots of bad things went on, and are going on,” he said. “The way you beat it is to flood the system and get out and vote.”
If early precinct reports are any indicator – and they often are – it looks like Trump’s base showed up to the polls in massive numbers in Virginia, a state that went blue for Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election.
However, Fairfax County just announced that the election results would be delayed, but they did not give a specific reason as to why. Interestingly enough, Fairfax County is a Democratic stronghold, and last-minute delays in vote tabulation is likely to give proponents of election integrity a reason to look twice at the election happening in Virginia tonight.