Shaquille O’Neal DUNKS on vaccine mandates: ‘You shouldn’t be forced to take something you don’t want’

by Summer Lane

Shaquille O’Neal, the basketball Hall of Famer who is best remembered for his time playing for Los Angeles Lakers, told listeners during “The Big Podcast with Shaq”: “I encourage everybody to be safe and take care of your family, I do. But it’s just, people don’t want to take [the Covid shot], and you shouldn’t be forced to take something you don’t want.”

According to a report from The Hill, O’Neal made his remarks during a conversation with co-host Nischelle Turner and Anthony “Spice” Adams when discussing the arrest of two nurses in Long Island who were accused of forging coronavirus vaccination cards.

In January, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) overturned one of Joe Biden’s federal vaccine mandates, which would have required employers with 100 or more employees to mandate Covid vaccinations for their workers. Since then, many corporate giants, like Starbucks and General Electric, have scrapped their plans to enforce vaccines on their employees.

The full audio of Shaq’s comments regarding vaccine mandates

However, the vaccine mandate is still being implemented in most healthcare facilities, particularly in those that accept federal funding. Additionally, the U.S. military is discharging thousands of service members for refusing the Covid jab. On Wednesday, the U.S. Army announced that it would immediately discharge more soldiers who declined the shot, according to a report from the Daily Wire.

O’Neal voiced his sympathy for those who have to choose between keeping their jobs or undergoing a government-funded medical procedure. He noted that although he is a “rules guy,” he feels “sympathetic towards people who have to make that kind of decision.”

Many Americans undoubtedly recall O’Neal’s dazzling NBA (National Basketball Association) career, which included a string of All-Star and NBA Finals MVP selections, which earned him a position as one of the greatest basketball players of all time. His comments about vaccine mandates are likely to hit home with Americans everywhere who have either lost their jobs or could lose them soon because of Joe Biden’s tyrannical medical regulations.

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